
Common Car Accident Injuries: Symptoms and Treatments

Millions of Americans are injured in car accidents each year. Common injuries can cause pain and other symptoms that may take hours or even days to fully appear. When you’ve been in an accident, the shock and adrenaline can keep you from fully recognizing your injuries. Once you have a chance to rest, you may …

Signs of Internal Bleeding

Injuries on the outside of your body are easier to see and diagnose. But what about internal car accident injuries? If you don’t see any obvious signs of injury, then you may be tempted to say everything is okay. However, a car accident can lead to significant internal injuries, including internal bleeding. The shock and …

Shoulder Labral Tear Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

You probably do not give your shoulder much thought when it is working properly. But as soon as you start noticing pain or discomfort, it can start to negatively impact your quality of life. You may not realize just how often you use your shoulders for even the smallest of daily tasks until pain keeps …

How to Mentally Recover from a Car Accident

Car accidents happen every day, and you might not realize the toll they can take on the mind and body until it happens to you. Even a minor car accident can negatively impact your mental health and well-being. It is not uncommon for people to experience some level of mental trauma after a car accident. …

Can You Get PTSD From a Car Accident?

A traumatic event can lead to a mental health disorder known as PTSD, or post-traumatic stress disorder. Many people associate PTSD with military combat and war veterans or recovering from a natural disaster. However, one of the most surprising yet common ways people can develop PTSD is due to a car accident. Getting into a …