Ideal Protein Tips and Recipes for You to Try

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You may not know this but many of our weight loss patients are on the front lines on a daily basis while still being true to their weight loss journey. Thank you to our police officers, nurses, hospital staff, doctors and firemen who are still “out there” keeping all of us safe during this pandemic. On that note, we ask that you pre-order your Ideal Protein food and supplements via email, text or phone call.  We will prepare, prepackage your order and have it ready for you to pick up Monday-Friday until 5 pm.
Ideal Protein choices

Staying on Track

Make sure you are sticking to your protocol and to your menus. Make sure you eat ALL of your meals and ALL of your portions. Remember that vegetables are not optional. They give you good carbohydrates and lots of fiber. Also, your packets of ideal Protein food are a MUST as they contain your adequate amount of absorbable protein per meal.

Five Tips on Storing Fresh Food

As we all are limiting the amount of grocery store visits, continue to buy fresh fruits and veggies! You can store most fresh vegetables in the refrigerator (with a few exceptions below).
  • Handle produce as little as possible since bruising will damage it and cause it to spoil. In most cases, store vegetables in the original packaging, and wash and prepare just before eating. If you choose to wash lettuce before refrigerating it, dry it well and store wrapped in a paper towel inside a plastic bag.
  • There are some vegetables that are better stored at room temperature. Keep your garlic, onions, shallots, and squash in a cool, dark place, such as your pantry. Remove packaging and store so that air can circulate around them and keep away from sources of heat such as the oven, hot water heater, or hot water pipes.
  • If you can’t eat your fresh vegetables before they go bad, freeze them to preserve nutrients and flavor. Most vegetables need to be blanched before freezing. Boil whole vegetables or cut-up pieces for a couple of minutes, then plunge into ice water to stop the cooking process. Frozen vegetables can be kept for up to one year.
  • Freeze your proteins! Any fresh lean meat, fish, or seafood can be stored in the freezer for up to 3 months. Divide up into individual portions, place in a freezer bag, and freeze!
  • Did you know eggs can be kept in your fridge for over 5 weeks? Not only are they a great source of protein, but they also have an amazing shelf life too!

Tasty Recipes for You To Try

Ideal Protein Lemon Balls

Ideal Protein Whipped Coffee

Ideal Protein Easter Egg Cakes

Ideal Protein Mocktails

Ideal Protein Mocktails 1 Ideal Protein Mocktails 2 Screenshot_20200804-105947

More Recipe Inspiration!

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